Does medical technology help extend life?

 -Medical technology helps extend life by the creation of modern medicine, and computers to track medical history/records of patients.


Computers are a beautiful thing when it comes to the advancement of medicine. Many medical examiners/reserachers use computers to input and store information on certain medicines and theories.  For example, say a scientist wants to create a new drug that cures cancer. He would need proper record for the ingridients and chemicals used to create a drug. In many cases if one thing goes wrong or not enough of an amount of product is added, the patient taking the medicine could die.  The best storage device for such date is a computer. If this was a real drug, the patient's life would be prolonged due to the medical technology adavancement we have.

Not only do computers store drug information and formulas to create medicines to help heal/cure patients, computers also keep personal information on patients.  For example, say a patient gets a serious infection but is allergic to Amoxicilin.  The doctor or pharmacist can look through he/she's personal medical information and see what other drugs they can take that would be compatible and help in that particular situation. Thus, medical technology would help extend the lives of people because he/she would not have been given a drug they were allergic to, causing death.

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